a blog about my interests

10th Sloan-C International Conference on Online Learning

You should recognize Sloan-C from their Effective Practices , Online Learning Surveys and JALN . The proceedings from the November 2004 conference are now online.

Wikipedia is an interesting place

The idea of an open, collaborative encyclopedia is a big draw. At wikipedia you can find most everything.

December issue of JALN is online

The latest issue of the Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks is now online. They seem to have started a registration system (free) to get access to the full articles.

The college president has a blog

I’ve read about this on a few blogs (of course). The new president of Red River College (Canada, of course!) started a blog.

What’s a moodle?

I’ve playing recently with moodle , an open-source CMS grounded heavily in social constructionist pedagogies. While it’s initial look is a little silly (the colors and fonts), diving deeper one finds a better way of teaching and learning online.

Blogging and RSS in Education

Stephen Downes has posted his recent talk on blogging and RSS in education. He has the PPT and audio posted at http://www.downes.ca/cgi-bin/website/research.cgi?item=1103322625

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