a blog about my interests

Venting your rage against computers

From today’s Future Tense , a University of Maryland psychologist has been conducting online surveys (non-scientific) to gauge our frustration level.

FireFox extension: researchbuddy

This new extension tried to make citing a web page easier. Research Buddy allows you to setup topic areas to file web sites and cited quotations as you browse.

Another nail in Internet Explorer’s coffin: Penn State

As always, Educause Blogs provides a rich summary and many reference links to the recommendation by Penn State ITS that its campus community not use IE. Ah, FireFox tastes good doesn’t it?

Two days on thunderbird, haven’t switched back yet

I think I might stick with Thunderbird now. Even though it doesn’t spell check as I type, I don’t miss the floating Eudora ad.

The Chemistry Collective: very nice virtual labs and learning activities

This site has some great Java simulations. http://www.chemcollective.org/

Thunderbird 1.0 is out, I’ve switched from Eudora!

Thunderbird 1.0 (Firefox’s email cousin) was released yesterday. I just made the switch from Eudora which I’ve been using since it was born in 1992!

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