This is the type of thing I love. The Educause blogs have an informative post on security and computer systems. These are out-of-the-box systems. The linux system’s default setup is to have more things off than on.
Oh boy, MIT’s OpenCourseWare (a favorite of mine) has a course on Game Theory for Managers. I was a little over-excited at first thinking it was more like educational gaming rather than game theory which learns towards the mathematical. But I always like to plug OpenCourseWare!
At the July Syllabus2004 conference, one panel discussion, “Is Open Source in Your CMS Future?” tackled issues around choosing an open-source CMS. They focused on Sakai which we have been playing with. An article details the discussion….
I just read about 2 examples of using blogs in classes . One involves writing and one involves documenting an immersive experience….
From Corante, the report has some remarkable numbers that I find hard to believe. Read on…
Educause has an interesting piece on copyright expiration in Europe. Campus technology has a piece on portals .