a blog about my interests

Faculty and administrators collaborating for e-learning courseware

Another Educause gem today, “Faculty and Administrators Collaborating for E-Learning Courseware .” It mirrors a lot of what the eteam worked on this summer — incentives and funding, misconceptions. But it also hits hard at ownership and usage rights. The eteam didn’t spell out a clear recommendations in those areas, but this article gives 3 paths to take….

Chris Dede article in latest Educause quarterly

I just got an email with the latest articles in Educause quarterly. I was excited to see 3 of great interest. The top one being Chris Dede’s “Planning for Neomillennial Learning Styles .” I’ve raved about Dede here before (search on the right for Dede). This article touches on….

sloan-c consortium has taken to moodle

I just noticed that sloan-c has chosen moodle for its asynchronous environment for its workshop series “sloan-c online workshop series: how online can be better than on-ground: constructivism, collaboration, community “. You’ll recognize sloan-c from …

How distance learning changes faculty

From Online Learning Update , I found this article entitled “How Distance Learning Changes Faculty .” It’s a quick read. Based on the experiences of 6 faculty teaching online MBA courses, the author talks about ….

Adobe Acrobat 7 does RSS to PDF

From this article , the new version of Acrobat can aggregate RSS feeds into PDF files. This is just wrong.

Moodle and social constructivism 2

OK, I read the article . It’s pretty short. You should give it a look. It highlighted how constructivism can clash with the instructional design process. This’ll prove interesting with the proposed summer online courses that will pilot moodle. Online courses are heavily designed……

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