a blog about my interests

Achieving Success in Internet-Supported Learning in Higher Education

A new study from the Alliance for Higher Education Competitiveness looks at what makes for successful internet-supported learning. That could be online classes, or just courses that use the internet in a significant way. Their difficult-to-read website offers the full report in PDF, chapter-by-chapter on the web, or a summary version. It’s a bit big to look at right now but…..

Elements of Effective e-Learning Design

A new short paper in the refereed e-journal, “International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning ” takes on highlighting 6 elements that they suggest make for effective e-learning design. It’s not bad. The abstract…..

Peer-to-peer (P2P) Science research?

I just read about the Biblioteca d’Alessandria’s P2P application to share scientific papers. It also allows for communication (text chatting) and searching. I’m downloading it now. Across Internet2 this could be very useful. However….

A Learning Blogosphere (1): Into the Deep

This blog entry talks about how a junior- and senior-level business course in databases created blogophere around the course. It also highlights some of the advantages of blogs in an educational setting. Some great quotes are….

Educating the Net Generation — ebook from Educause

I’ve got some reading ahead of me! Educating the Net Generation is more a compilation of articles (like Dede’s I just mentioned). But they look good and I can’t wait to start on them.

Internet Restricted on Faculty Computers

When I first read this article about Pasadena City College blocking staff & faculty machines but not student machines I almost jumped out of my seat. I couldn’t believe it — a College monitoring what websites staff & faculty visit! Shouldn’t they be spending their time fighting spam and viruses? Then I saw ….

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