a blog about my interests

Educause blogs – open source code search and bioinfomatics in your toolbar

I’m glad I’ve subscribed to the RSS feed from the Educause blogs. It’ll help me keep on top of exciting things like two I note here.

Chronicle article — good technology means bad teaching

This article highlights some of the pitfalls that are easy to fall into. And I rant about PowerPoint.

Resources for weblogs in education

There’s several sites out there all about weblogs and education.

M-learning and a reality check

Articles on m-learning are pushing the edge of what may happen. I wonder if digital immigrants can really predict what digital natives will do next? The comments in this article provide a reality check.

Chris Dede interview in new journal — Innovate

Chris’ keynote at the 20th Annual Distance Teaching & Learning was exciting. This interview gives you idea of what he talked about.

Information Technology and the Curriculum: A Status Report

Can a ‘writing across the curriculum’ model be applied to technology across the curriculum.

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